2014 Identity Theft Protection Buyers Guide

Free Score Finder is a service that is used to obtain your credit scores for free. As a member you have access to informational resources through their site and customer support. In addition you will be able to review your credit at any time, request credit monitoring, receive email notifications of credit activity on your account and even prevent identity theft.

It is important to know your credit score and understand its implications on interest rates and available lines of credit prior to applying for loans or opening credit cards. Having higher credit scores will most often decrease interest rates you receive on loans and credit cards. It will also lend you the availability to obtain more money for a loan as well as a higher credit limit on credit cards.

If your credit is not in good standing, it may be wise to consider taking actions to improve your score, Free Score Finder customer support can offer helpful advice to achieve this. The cost of a loan and the cost of making a purchase with a credit card may end up being exponentially higher if your interest rate is high.

Free Score Finder charges $1.95 for a set-up fee and will enroll you in a 7-day trial of credit monitoring. If you do not cancel your membership within the 7 days, it will cost $24.95 every month to continue using their services.

Credit Bureaus are under new government regulations. Under a new Federal Law you are able to request a free copy of your credit report every 12 months from the three credit bureaus which are Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. They are also able to monitor your credit and send you notifications if any changes have been made to your credit or interest rates.

The credit bureaus charge approximately $20.00 for this service. This is just another option and is just as easy to use as an online service that typically has additional fees.

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is the act of stealing someone’s identity usually for the purposes of opening fraudulent credit card accounts, loans or other benefits under another person’s name and information.

Our Methodology

We understand that it can often times be difficult and time consuming when it comes to choosing a product or service for your needs. Here we have reviewed the most popular selections to assist you in your decision making process. Our research team has provided these final ratings for you so that you know you can trust the accuracy and the validity of our reviews.

Our Top Pick

Identity Force is an elite online data protection and security company, and our #1 pick!.

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Advertiser Disclosure: idtheftprotectionreview.com is an independent consumer information site that offers free, independent reviews and ratings of online identity theft protection and credit monitoring services. We receive advertising revenue from some but not all of the companies whose products and services we review. We are independently owned and operated and all opinions expressed on this site are our own.