Identity Theft Protection Articles

The following articles offer information and tips that will not only help you understand the importance of protecting your identity, but also understanding, maintaining and improving your credit.

“Big data breaches of identity theft increased nearly 20 percent from last year and more than 10 million cases of Americans’ personal records being exposed or published have already been reported in 2014-making it the most common consumer complaint in the U.S." Read more
“If you suspect that someone is misusing your personal information, acting quickly is the best way to limit the damage. Setting things straight involves some work.” Read more
“How to start, what to avoid and tips for making the most of your financial decisions." Read more
“A good credit score is key to your financial life. Learn about it and see how you can improve your score.” Read more
“A credit report contains information about your credit-and the status of your credit accounts.” Read more
”It’s important to note that repairing bad credit is a bit like losing weight: it takes time and there is no quick way to fix a credit score.” Read more
“More than 12 million people were victims of identity fraud in 2012, a new report finds, and taking steps like putting a security freeze or a fraud alert on your credit report can help. If you get a letter notifying you that your personal data was involved in a corporate data breach, you should pay close attention, a new report says. “ Read more
“We’re all experts on identity theft. Not by choice- but live your life, and it’s hard not to pick up something on the topic. And odds are, you or a friend or family member has been a victim. According to a 2012 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics survey of 70,000 people, 1 out of every 14 Americans ages 16 or older has been a target or a victim of identity theft. Last year, 16.6 million people fell victim to the crime, which resulted in financial losses of $24.7 billion, paid by consumers, companies and credit card companies.” Read more
“Identity theft is expected to surpass traditional theft as the leading form of property crime. Your credit-card data is out there. And criminals are buying and selling it in bulk. Credit-card data theft is exploding, increasing 50% from 2005 to 2010, according to the latest figures from the U.S. Department of Justice. Millions of card numbers are for sale. A single number might go for $10 to $50; a no-limit American Express card number for a consumer with good credit can sell for hundreds of dollars, said Monica Hamilton, marketing director at cybersecurity firm McAfee Inc. in Santa Clara, Calif.?Read more
“You may not have checked your credit score lately, but there’s a good change someone else has. If you have applied for a mortgage or a loan- someone accessed that three-digit number to help determine the amount you can borrow and the interest you’ll owe on it. So what goes into this all-important score? And how can you make sure you’ve got a good one?”Read more
“Some credit mistakes are obvious. Everybody knows the big one: failing to pay your bills on time. If you’re looking to wreck your credit score, there’s no faster way. Some credit mistakes aren’t so obvious. What’s worse the biggest secret credit mistake- the one most people don’t even know they’re making-actually happens when people are trying to turn their credit score around and be more financially responsible. That mistake is closing credit card accounts. I know this might sound surprising to some, especially those who have labored for years to pay off big credit card balances.” Read more

What is Identity Theft?

Identity theft is the act of stealing someone’s identity usually for the purposes of opening fraudulent credit card accounts, loans or other benefits under another person’s name and information.

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